
Our aim is to provide you at the best
Our analytical systems stand for high quality and precision. They last a lifetime – with proper care. To ensure long-term stable measurement results and a high throughput of samples, regularly scheduled service for the equipment is mandatory. Analytik Jena offers service packages customized for optimum service of your equipment. We concentrate on your requirements and your budget. Ask us!

Benefits of regular maintenance

  • Value of your device system
  • Quality assurance of analytical results
  • Saving time and unplanned costs
  • Assurance of standards-compliant, ISO-compliant work
  • Maximum system availability
  • Safety for your staff
  • Individual maintenance intervals
  • Appointment service
  • Cost transparency and planning for your budget

You are interested in the maintenance of your instrument?
Please contact us here.

Service Hotline

+49 3641  77 7407+49 3641  77

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